Builtin Structures#


This structure is generated and passed to the key press and release callbacks of the FocusScope element.


  • text (string): The unicode representation of the key pressed.

  • modifiers (KeyboardModifiers): The keyboard modifiers active at the time of the key press event.

  • repeat (bool): This field is set to true for key press events that are repeated, i.e. the key is held down. It’s always false for key release events.


The KeyboardModifiers struct provides booleans to indicate possible modifier keys on a keyboard, such as Shift, Control, etc. It is provided as part of KeyEvent’s modifiers field.

Keyboard shortcuts on Apple platforms typically use the Command key (⌘), such as Command+C for “Copy”. On other platforms the same shortcut is typically represented using Control+C. To make it easier to develop cross-platform applications, on macOS, Slint maps the Command key to the control modifier, and the Control key to the meta modifier.

On Windows, the Windows key is mapped to the meta modifier.


  • alt (bool): Indicates the Alt key on a keyboard.

  • control (bool): Indicates the Control key on a keyboard, except on macOS, where it is the Command key (⌘).

  • shift (bool): Indicates the Shift key on a keyboard.

  • meta (bool): Indicates the Control key on macos, and the Windows key on Windows.


This structure represents a point with x and y coordinate


  • x (length)

  • y (length)


Represents a Pointer event sent by the windowing system. This structure is passed to the pointer-event callback of the TouchArea element.


  • button (PointerEventButton): The button that was pressed or released

  • kind (PointerEventKind): The kind of the event

  • modifiers (KeyboardModifiers): The keyboard modifiers pressed during the event


Represents a Pointer scroll (or wheel) event sent by the windowing system. This structure is passed to the scroll-event callback of the TouchArea element.


  • delta_x (length): The amount of pixel in the horizontal direction

  • delta_y (length): The amount of pixel in the vertical direction

  • modifiers (KeyboardModifiers): The keyboard modifiers pressed during the event


Represents an item in a StandardListView and a StandardTableView.


  • text (string): The text content of the item


This is used to define the column and the column header of a TableView


  • title (string): The title of the column header

  • min_width (length): The minimum column width (logical length)

  • horizontal_stretch (float): The horizontal column stretch

  • sort_order (SortOrder): Sorts the column

  • width (length): the actual width of the column (logical length)